Want a better chance at selling your used eBike, eScooter, or other PEV? We can help via our consignment offerings. This means you park your eBike on our sales floor and sit back and relax while we sell it on your behalf. Advantages of this include:
- We list your PEV on our website and social media for added exposure.
- We will post ads for you on all relevant platforms (Kijiji, Facebook Marketplace, etc.)
- Adds a sense of legitimacy to the sale as we are an established business with a retail storefront.
- If the PEV is sold, it will be completely tuned up for the customer, free of charge.
- Gets your PEV sold faster and often for a higher price.
- You don't have to do anything but collect your payment!

Price Structure
- Minimum commission rate of 25%.
- You pick the list price. While we may make a suggestion on pricing to ensure the highest chance of a sale, ultimately you decide how much you want us to sell it for.
- GST will be included in the sale and is not subject to payout.
- We will do a basic tune up on the bike once it is sold. Any required repairs or servicing above and beyond that will accrue regular shop fees and prices.
- There will be an upfront fee of $49.99 for any dirty bikes that require cleaning.
- We will keep your PEV in our store for 6 weeks. If it does not sell in that time, you must come pick it up as soon as possible. A renewal option may be available as per our discretion (fee may apply).
PEV Requirements
- Only open to electric bikes, electric scooters, and other PEV's. We do not offer consigment on regular analog products.
- We do not accept every PEV for consignment and maintain the right to refuse any product.
- PEV's from Walmart, Costco, Best Buy, Amazon, and other big box retailers often do not meet our requirements. Please inquire before bringing your PEV to the store.
- The PEV must be in usable condition with fully functional mechanical and electrical components. Cosmetic damage must be minimal within reason.
- The PEV must have a visible serial number on the frame. Any PEV with removed serial numbers will be refused.
- The PEV will be compared to Police Databases to ensure it is not stolen. A potential fee charged to you may be included. Presenting original proof of purchase for the PEV will make this an easier process.
- Must include all required accessories and parts, such as chargers, manuals, etc. PEV's without original keys will be refused.
- The PEV must not be altered by a third party in any way and must be in the condition as distributed by the manufacturer at time of initial sale.
- PEV's 5 years and older may be subject to a mandatory battery life diagnostic at the owners cost. See our Repairs and Services page for current rates.
Terms and Conditions:
STT Electrix, its employees, subsidiaries, and any representatives thereof maintain the right to refuse any product or customer at any point in time. The above information is subject to change at any time without any warning. PEV's left in the care of STT Electrix for a period of 30 days after the agreed upon end date of consignment may be considered abandoned and disposed of as STT Electrix see's fit without any owning to the consigner and/or owner. If it discovered that a consignment PEV is stolen property, it will be immediately reported to law enforcement along with any information in our possession on the consigner and/or owner. Any damages, fires, or incidents resulting from the consigned PEV in any way will be considered the fault of the consigner and/or owner and they will be fully responsible and liable for any financial obligations and other requirements that may result from such an event. In the case of a robbery, break and enter, or other criminal event in which the consigned PEV is stolen, STT Electrix will not be held liable and the consigner and/or owner release STT Electrix from any expectation or encumbrance for replacing said PEV. Consigner and/or owner of the PEV are leaving the PEV in the care of STT Electrix of their own volition with the only expectation being the possible sale of the PEV and a one time payment of 75% of that sale price, with any applicable deductions or fees that may have been required for completion of the sale. Further terms and conditions may apply and will be set out in the contract to be signed at the time of agreement.